Watch out, I’m a zombie!

These last few weeks have been very eventful. Too eventful if I think about it.

I was in the US for a week just before the birthday party of my two eldest.
The jet lag didn’t get me but a late night on Friday due to crying baby, the 7 hours long concert at Wembley on Saturday and the 60 kids’ party on Sunday pretty much finished me off.

I had never organised a party so big and the stress was high. Saying that, I was fairly calm until the point when people started showing up before the time and we didn’t have everything ready. Ah, and the music wouldn’t work.

Almost like magic, once we got the music started and “Happy” was on, I was pretty relaxed again.

And so we survived the party and I was back at work the next day. Well, my body was anyway.

Two days later my hubby went to Portugal – partly for work and partly for a break. So for the next two weeks I was on my own with the kids and the nanny.

I can’t tell you how valuable it is to have family near by. Well, I’m sure you know this – either because you have it or because you don’t.
For a long time we didn’t have anyone near by, but when we found out we were going to have our first baby we made changes so that we could be closer to our family.

And that definitely made all the difference in the last few weeks. I was still able to do my exercise class and go to choir rehearsal, my Father-in-law went to the kids’ “bring Dad to school day” and my Mom-in-law went with us to the ballet/musical theatre show of the kids.

Still, the nights are the worst. I’m going through a busy time at work too and so the one thing that really hits me is the lack of sleep. And so when Miss A wakes up crying about twice per night and Mr A one time too, I can’t even remember what deep sleep looks like. Miss Z, bless her, sleeps through it all.

Like everything, I know this is just a phase and that it too shall pass. But until then, watch out, because I feel like a zombie. Don’t push me too hard or I might bite too šŸ˜‰

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