Category: Other


When you walk out of Uni, degree in hand, and all your career possibilities still in front of you, your hopes and dreams are of success, of fulfilment, of money in the bank. Mostly, you hope you’ll enjoy the ride.  At some point, or actually, every time you’re brushing the dust off of your cv  when looking for the next…

Mother’s Day…

Today has a bitter sweet taste.  My Mom passed away nearly 2 months ago. It was a long time coming as she had Alzheimer’s Disease, in the very late stages, for quite some time.  Yet, I still don’t know how to deal with the definitive loss. She’s no longer here, I can no longer touch her and feel her warmth……


In my professional life, a couple of years ago, I met a lady that was driving this concept of Empathy in corporate settings. She is successfully raising awareness with CEOs across all industries to the importance of having empathy with your employees, your suppliers, your customers.  Up until today, I hadn’t even noticed that that simple concept was a key…


This year has been a rollercoaster for most people, on account of the global pandemic we’re all facing… But for the relationship between my eldest and I, the pandemic prolonged a situation that started at the beginning of the year, when after a disagreement, she decided she hated me and wanted to go live with her Dad. My other two…

The aftermath of lockdown…

It was on 16th March that I hugged my kids for the last time in a long time, when I dropped them off at school in the morning.   They didn’t know then, and they thought it strange, when I hugged them so hard and didn’t want to let go. I knew it was going to be a while. I wasn’t…

Learning adulthood…

As another winter starts, and the cold draws near, most people I know are looking forward to a festive season with their families.  It’s the end of the decade… a decade that for me will be mostly remembered by my becoming a parent. Although my eldest is already 11, it’s been the last 10 years that have been most challenging.…

Not cut out…

Sometimes I feel that I’m not cut out for this… Today is one of those times. I was never allowed to have cats or dogs as a child. We lived in a flat, with no outdoor spaces, and my parents didn’t think it was a good environment for having those kinds of pets. So I had the little ones, gold…

Messing up again and again

Sometimes I look in the mirror and I find myself rather beautiful. It happens seldomly and for only a moment, but it does happen, when I think of how old I am and how young I still look, how young I still feel. I think my children are beautiful too and they must have gotten something from me. But then…