Month: April 2015

Happy Parents…

Happy parents make for happy kids – you’ve heard that before right? I totally agree. So what do you do if you’re unhappy in your relationship? What really is the best way for you and your children? I’ve know many folks of my parents’ generation that stuck together even though the love was long gone. Whether because of the children,…

Play to your strengths…

I attended a short course at work once that really shifted the way I thought about development and productivity. Up until that point whenever I had an appraisal with my manager there was always a few points that he/she would point out where I had done well and a few where I could have done better. Invariably the focus for…

When you’re not there…

I got back to work from my last maternity leave 7 ½ months ago and until now I haven’t had to travel for business. I like travelling on business (I guess most of us do) because you get to experience countries and cities that you’d probably otherwise not visit if you had to pay for it. But ever since I…