Salt is bad for you! You’ve heard this before right? Well if you haven’t, it’s possible you live in a cave, in the middle of the rain forest, or you’re not that interested in health or nutrition. But I’m going to assume that most parents are interested for the sake of their children’s health. I’ve heard time and again that…
Category: Diet
Who’s to blame for obesity in kids?
Last night we watched a programme on Portuguese TV. It’s basically the Portuguese version of “The Biggest Loser”. But it’s for teens instead of adults. It was the first episode so they were forming teams and getting to know the place they will stay at and their initial weight. We didn’t watch the whole thing, but it was enough for…
Is a sweet a treat?
Obesity is a modern world problem. Sure, there was obesity when our grandparents were young but it was the exception. The majority of people ate traditional food of their region, ate plenty of fruits that were in season and vegetables were a staple food. These days we see children as young as two that are obese. We also see youngsters…
Variety is the spice of life!
This is one of the first phrases my husband told me soon after we met. We were completely different people back then – he, a care-free spirit, a dreamer, a visionary. I, an analytical computer geek who wanted the world to fit in a symmetrical box. Much has changed since then and much as stayed the same. Miss Z was…
I will not eat!
This is one of those sentences that comes up often, especially when you have more than one child. I can’t say how many times I’ve heard it, but it’s been a lot. No kid is perfect and they will always test the boundaries. This is why having a clear set of rules that you, your partner and your carers agree…
Breast is best
This catch phrase has been in my mind for ages as a topic for a blog entry. I just hadn’t had anything to say before but the phrase itself. I don’t want to offend anyone. The title is a fact and I support the principle, but I’m not judging anyone that doesn’t. It’s like we all know exercise is good…
I will never, ever, ever eat this food. Ever!
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard this sentence. I’ve lost count. And something tells me that in the next 10 years I’ll hear it hundreds of times more. When Miss Z was 2 we met a family during our holiday in Portugal. They had a little girl just 5 months younger than Miss Z and they started…
My children are not cows!
I am conscious that this post may not go down well with lots of people. But remember, you don’t have to agree with me. I mentioned before that I follow a nutritionist called Patrick Holford. And what Patrick says about milk (and dairy in general) makes sense to me. Cow’s milk is for baby cows. We are mammals, and just…
Free for all on weekends…
I am really strict about the kids’ diet. They have 3 healthy meals a day and fruit snacks in between. The only drink allowed is water. But I also think one needs to be reasonable. As with everything, you have to have balance. And it’s impossible to sustain a healthy diet with kids 100% of the time. So, I let…
Mammals don’t drink juice
You’ve probably noticed by now that I am a pretty strict Mom. Some people will probably think I’m a control freak, a perfectionist, a military sergeant. And you’ll be right on all counts. I like rules and I like order. And I know these are not children’s favourite cups of tea, but I’m ok with who I am. Luckily I…