A new dawn is dawning…

It’s been a long time coming, with a couple of attempts in the past, unsuccessful and fleeting…

With all the emotional turmoil of the last few years, exacerbated by the Covid pandemic and the recent passing of my Mum, my levels of anxiety (and no doubt many people around the world) have shot through the roof.

Physical symptoms associated with it don’t help. Most of the time I either feel like my digestion stopped (stomach cramps), I’m having a heart attack (chest pain), or I have something in my brain (headaches).

And so, as generally these things go, when you have a strong motivation to do something (pain in this case), you do it. And finally I did.

I have taken action to find a therapist, for myself and the kids. There are so many emotional issues that both adults and kids are grappling with that a new level of resilience is needed.

The recent breaking of a war in Europe makes matters even worse. My kids are worried, and I’m sure many more around the world are too. Innuendo of a third world war, which everyone knows is one without winners, is a scary thing for any kid.

It was already a great victory that my eldest Miss Z was willing to give it a go. Before the first lockdown, we were starting with a different therapist, and we only had one or two appointments before everyone was confined. A few months later, Miss Z was already a different person, and not willing to do any counselling.

My other two are interested to know how it can help them, so it’s good for them to be open to asking and receiving help from a professional.

And so it has begun and I have great expectations. I’m hoping the therapist will show me new ways and strategies of being, in my relationship with myself, my partner and the kids, that will promote more peace, more joy and togetherness.

Sometimes we feel we are alone. No-one else knows what we’re going through, no-one can understand. But I believe there are people out there with the same challenges, with the same pain. And there are professionals, volunteers and organizations that can help. The first step is yours to take. Don’t go at it alone!

Peace! 💙

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