I saw a piece today from the BBC on how they trialled doing meditation sessions with kids in a school and are now rolling out to the whole school after seeing the benefits to the children.
I’ve always been a big fan of mediation, although I have yet to make it a habit in my busy lifestyle. I’ve heard someone say once about meditation/self-development: “It’s because you have no time for these things that you have to do them”. I couldn’t agree more.
And this school seems to have caught on with the secret ingredient – start them young!
We are people of habits, and the habits that are hardest to break are the ones we’ve had for years. I have heard of another statistic that says it takes on average 28 days for an adult to acquire a new habit. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s also as easy to break it though.
There are certain habits that are much harder to acquire – especially something that takes a certain amount of time, has to be done frequently and on a consistent basis – in the midst of everything else going on in a person’s life.
But young children, that’s the best time to teach them a new habit. So if we teach them to tidy up their room, brush their teeth, go to the toilet before bed, why not meditation?
Not to mention it’s much easier to “get” mediation and get into it when you’re younger, because naturally you’ll have a lot less stuff cluttering your mind, occupying your every waking moment.
And there’s so many benefits – better concentration in school, more confidence, more self-discipline and self-control emotionally just to name a few.
Your kids will realise from a young age that they’re not just body and mind and that there is something beyond just doing and thinking – there is being! There is connectedness with all there is. There’s a universal force uniting all of us.
So I decided that if meditation is not yet coming to my kids’ school, then why not start doing meditation sessions right here at home? I went googling and found this article. We’re going to try this out, and I’m hoping it will become a habit for the whole family. Check back in 28 days and I’ll let you know 😉