There are 24 hours in a day

I’m a Programme Manager by profession. What that means is that I manage projects (of software development) that are complex to deliver. I coordinate virtual teams of people (software engineers, designers, lawyers, business development people, marketers, partners, etc.) that are located all around the globe, and for it all to go smoothly requires strong organisational and management skills.

I spoke to one of my work colleagues recently and she was very surprised at the number of things I have on my plate. Given that I’m on maternity leave, I should really just be chillaxing and enjoying my baby.

Don’t get me wrong. I do enjoy Miss A as much as I can. But when she’s sleeping, I get busy. Given that she sleeps 17 hours of the day (give or take), that leaves me plenty of time for other things. It’s all about time management!

“So…”, I was saying to my friend, “it’s become a bit challenging to keep up with everything now that my nanny is off sick, but I’m still managing”.

In truth, I wasn’t managing all that well. I had things on my to do list that simply weren’t getting done. So last week I hired someone to help out with school pickups and some of the chores around the house like laundry and cooking for the kids and now the load is lighter and I’m back to being busy with stuff I like, which is what I do best. Writing this blog is one such thing, but I am also involved in a new project called Charub. It’s a new way of raising money for charities which I hope will be available globally one day. If you want to check it out, go to

Ah, and in addition to looking after my kids, writing this blog, Charub, managing the household, paying the bills and keeping up with my emails (private and work), I also make sure I leave some time to be a wife to my hubby by cooking him some nice dinners and spending some quality time with him in the evenings… well, before I fall asleep in front of the telly that is 😉

If you’re wondering how is it that it’s possible to “do it all”, I recommend you start with Stephen Covey, “The 7 Habits of highly effective people”. This book is a life changer. I read it many years ago and I attended a “7 Habits” course as well. And it has made a significant difference in how I run and manage my personal and work life.

Now, I would be remiss (and my sister-in-law would probably comment on this post and point it out) if I didn’t make the distinction between having great time management, and being on time for stuff. I’m generally rubbish at the latter. My sister-in-law has 2 kids and always manages to be on time for everything. I am on time for flights and for hospital appointments (just). I am always late for everything else. It’s a flaw I should correct, I know, but hey, no-one is perfect!

Since my nanny has been off, I’ve been having to juggle the morning rush by myself. Miss A wakes up first and I feed her and then the other 2 get out of bed at around 7,20am. I leave Miss A in the cot watching Waybuloo or a Brazilian video my nanny introduced her to (and which she loves) and I go prepare the porridge for them downstairs. Miss Z and Mr A have to do the 3 rules (check other post) and come downstairs. While they eat their porridge I feed Miss A her porridge too. And then I have to change her nappy, brush Miss Z and Mr A’s teeth and hair, get them to put their shoes, coats, hats and scarves on, and we must be out of the door by 8,30am. Ah, and I put Miss A in bed for her morning nap just before I go (normally Dad is at home too). Sometimes, I have to delegate the nappy changing and putting in bed to Dad 😉

So, you see, great organisational skills… but not always on time. So much so that after a few times of being late, I got a letter from the school talking about how important it is that Miss Z be on time for her class. I showed it to Miss Z (being that she’s also to blame – she drags her heels in the morning so much that it would drive any parent insane) and explained the seriousness of the situation. Fortunately, it worked a treat and we haven’t been late since… So I’m improving here too, at least a little 😉

This week Daddy did the morning school run which allowed me some time to recover from a tummy bug. It was so nice to be able to get back in bed after the madness (even if I was sick, it was great!)…

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