Learning adulthood…

As another winter starts, and the cold draws near, most people I know are looking forward to a festive season with their families.  It’s the end of the decade… a decade that for me will be mostly remembered by my becoming a parent. Although my eldest is already 11, it’s been the last 10 years that have been most challenging.…

A constant struggle…

It seems that these days my posts are more like pages in a diary filled with lamenting and regret, problems and sorrows, rather than happy memories and great tips.  When I set out to write this blog I felt like a confident Mom that had things figured out. The kids were small, I had structure and routine, I had the…

Not cut out…

Sometimes I feel that I’m not cut out for this… Today is one of those times. I was never allowed to have cats or dogs as a child. We lived in a flat, with no outdoor spaces, and my parents didn’t think it was a good environment for having those kinds of pets. So I had the little ones, gold…

You are your kids’ mentor…

A couple of years ago I was at a women in tech gathering organised by my employer, at the office. Afterwards I approached some of the speakers, as I was on the lookout for mentors. I managed to have a great conversation with 2 ladies from different tech backgrounds. I still maintain contact with one of them to this day. But…

The cost of being on time…

I started a new job 3 weeks ago. It was written on the wall that I was going to be made redundant again. My previous company was struggling with funding, travel expenses hadn’t been paid in months, our salaries were constantly being paid late, which added huge amounts of stress in a household dependent on one income, and finally when…

Cold War

It’s Remembrance day today. It’s 100 years since World War I ended, and we still remember those that died, so that we could be free. In that conflict and the ones that followed, to this day, soldiers go into battle fields and defend their nations according to what is asked of them. Two years ago, on this date, chosen by…

We are only human…

Today was a day like that day. The day when I lost my head and slapped my eldest daughter in the face. It was the same morning as today, where the two eldest kids were doing all they’re supposed to do, getting ready for school, and the youngest was tantruming just because she’s the youngest and thinks that acting like…

Finding the fun!

It’s Friday evening and I have a challenging weekend ahead of me. My partner is abroad, my “niece” (aka my ex-nanny turned adopted child) is going abroad on Saturday morning and I bravely invited the kids’ cousins for a sleep over. I’m full of determination that I will make every weekend I have with my kids an opportunity for some…

Messing up again and again

Sometimes I look in the mirror and I find myself rather beautiful. It happens seldomly and for only a moment, but it does happen, when I think of how old I am and how young I still look, how young I still feel. I think my children are beautiful too and they must have gotten something from me. But then…