Category: Life lessons


I was having a heated conversation with my partner about biases that we all have. I get very irritated with people that make racist comments, and it’s like something gets hold of me and I become an anger ball. When I was growing up in Portugal, just after the carnation revolution which overthrew the dictatorship and brought democracy to the…

D-day on Armistice day…

They all said that having a “fantastic divorce” was impossible. I was crazy and delusional to think that. Some said it was gonna get very ugly, some said there is no such thing as an easy divorce. But both my ex and I were determined to prove them wrong. Throughout our journey together we did grow up a bit, especially…

Rock Bottom?

Sometimes, doing something we love becomes second priority. Sometimes, third, fourth, etc, until you don’t do it anymore. For the past couple of years or so I have regularly written in this blog. I have enjoyed relaying stories of the children, sharing how I coped in certain (challenging) situations and mostly, I liked talking about the constant juggling of motherhood…

Letting go…

I have been silent for a while and it’s simply because I didn’t know how to articulate in words what has been happening in my life. The last post I wrote was my first attempt at that – talking about the phases we go through in life and that we need to take the good with the bad. With time…

Everything in life is a phase…

I think we kind of idealise the concept of forever. In truth of course, forever doesn’t exist for anything. Not in this realm anyway. I think I haven’t written any posts in a month. And yet, much has happened in my life. Several phases have started and ended. Some were exhilarating and some devastating. A month ago I had an…

Happy New February!

I am actually perplexed that we’re in February already. I can hardly remember the Christmas break anymore, bar for the fact that I was rather exhausted afterward. The month of January has gone in a flash and I’ve been so busy that I find myself once again feeling guilty about whether I’m spending enough quality time with my kids. These…

Christmas time… Yay! Well…

I loved Christmas as a kid. There were presents, there was no school, there was food, there was a crazy amount of puddings and of course there was chocolate, lots and lots of chocolate! My family are not very religious (what you would call non-practicing Roman Catholics) but Christmas was always celebrated as a time to bring family together. I…

Sleeping on planes

A colleague of mine is moving to the US in the new year with his family to work and live there. We were talking about this new adventure and how the preparations are going, whether they’re stressed about it and the conversation steered to the trip itself, with the kids. It’s the first time their kids will be going on…

When will world peace come?

I have been feeling rather depressed about the recent terrorist attacks in several places of the world. It pains me to think of all the families affected, the lives lost, the children that will grow without parents. This affects me at a deep emotional level and I can’t shake it off easily and “just move on”. I look at my…